RFA缩写的意思-RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)


  • 【英文缩写】: RFA
  • 【英文全称】: RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)
  • 【中文解释】: RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: RFA 相关英文缩写
以上为RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)英文缩略词RFA的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
RFA RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany) RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)
RFA RepÚblica Federal Alemana (Spanish: Federal Republic of Germany) RepÚblica Federal Alemana (Spanish: Federal Republic of Germany)
RFA RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Facility Assessment RCRA(资源保护和恢复法案)设施评估
RFA Registered Financial Associate (International Association of Registered Financial Consultants) 注册财务合伙人(国际注册财务顾问协会)
RFA Remote First Aid (UK training courses) 远程急救(英国培训课程)
RFA Recency Frequency Amount (retail segmentation tool) 最近频率金额(零售细分工具)
RFA Recurrent Fault Analysis 重复故障分析
RFA Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service (UK Royal Navy) 皇家舰队辅助服务(英国皇家海军)
RFA Request for Appointment 预约申请
RFA Restricted Free Agent (professional sports) 受限自由代理(职业体育)
上表最多展示RFA的10条常用含义,点击 RFA 查看更多。


  • RFA RÉpublique FÉdÉrale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)
  • MRQ MinistÈre du Revenu du QuÉbec (French: QuÉbec Ministry of Taxation)
  • MRG Manyetik Rezonans GörÜntÜleme (Turkish :magnetic resonance imaging)
  • CRIPS Centres RÉgionaux d'Information et de PrÉvention du Sida (French)
  • ATEA Ateliers de TÉlÉphone et ElectricitÉ Anversoise (Antwerp, Belgium)
  • RASD RepÚblica Árabe Saharaui DemocrÁtica (Western Sahara official name)
  • RPA RÉgimes de Pension AgrÉÉs (French: Registered Pension Plans; Canada)
  • INIAP Instituto Nacional de Investigação AgrÁria e das Pescas (Portugal)
  • DTX 喜(联谊会的三角洲头路疲于奔命的动物家全国性的电影)
  • CEOPC ConfederaciÓn Española de Organizaciones de Profesionales y Cuadros
  • SCP SociÉtÉ Canadienne de Psychologie (Canadian Psychological Association)
  • SMK Strana Maïarskej KoalÍcie (Party of the Hungarian Coalition, Slovakia)
  • REBT Reglamento ElectrotÉcnico de Baja TensiÓn (Spanish: Electrotechnical)
  • QED 女王的经济部门(皇后大学金斯顿,在加拿大)
  • PTE Programa Educativo del Niño, Niña y Adolescente Trabajador (Guatemala)